[request] user-specific notification #13

opened 2023-07-04 11:59:27 -04:00 by Tcll · 0 comments

The idea here is to be able to blacklist specific people from notifying you
though you could also invert that and whitelist specific you want notifications from.

The idea would be as simple as a menu when you R-click a user-icon.

The menu would simply display if you want to mute or unmute notifications from this user for this chat or all chats.

The mute state would hierarchically depend on the chat, server, and global notification configurations, and should allow the local setting to be revoked for the global setting.

This would allow you to deeply customize how you want to receive notifications fro both people and chats.

The idea here is to be able to blacklist specific people from notifying you though you could also invert that and whitelist specific you want notifications from. The idea would be as simple as a menu when you R-click a user-icon. The menu would simply display if you want to mute or unmute notifications from this user for this chat or all chats. The mute state would hierarchically depend on the chat, server, and global notification configurations, and should allow the local setting to be revoked for the global setting. This would allow you to deeply customize how you want to receive notifications fro both people and chats.
JacobTech added this to the Luski project 2023-07-04 20:04:29 -04:00
JacobTech added the
labels 2023-07-04 21:24:35 -04:00
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