using System; namespace { internal class Utils { internal Utils() { } private const int SIGN_BIT = 0x80; private const int QUANT_MASK = 0xf; private const int SEG_SHIFT = 4; private const int SEG_MASK = 0x70; private const int BIAS = 0x84; private const int CLIP = 8159; private static readonly short[] seg_uend = new short[] { 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF, 0x1FFF }; internal static int GetBytesPerInterval(uint SamplesPerSecond, int BitsPerSample, int Channels) { int blockAlign = ((BitsPerSample * Channels) >> 3); int bytesPerSec = (int)(blockAlign * SamplesPerSecond); uint sleepIntervalFactor = 1000 / 20; int bytesPerInterval = (int)(bytesPerSec / sleepIntervalFactor); return bytesPerInterval; } internal static int MulawToLinear(int ulaw) { ulaw = ~ulaw; int t = ((ulaw & QUANT_MASK) << 3) + BIAS; t <<= (ulaw & SEG_MASK) >> SEG_SHIFT; return ((ulaw & SIGN_BIT) > 0 ? (BIAS - t) : (t - BIAS)); } private static short Search(short val, short[] table, short size) { short i; int index = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (val <= table[index]) { return (i); } index++; } return (size); } internal static byte Linear2ulaw(short pcm_val) { /* Get the sign and the magnitude of the value. */ pcm_val = (short)(pcm_val >> 2); short mask; if (pcm_val < 0) { pcm_val = (short)-pcm_val; mask = 0x7F; } else { mask = 0xFF; } /* clip the magnitude */ if (pcm_val > CLIP) { pcm_val = CLIP; } pcm_val += (BIAS >> 2); /* Convert the scaled magnitude to segment number. */ short seg = Search(pcm_val, seg_uend, 8); /* * Combine the sign, segment, quantization bits; * and complement the code word. */ /* out of range, return maximum value. */ if (seg >= 8) { return (byte)(0x7F ^ mask); } else { byte uval = (byte)((seg << 4) | ((pcm_val >> (seg + 1)) & 0xF)); return ((byte)(uval ^ mask)); } } internal static byte[] MuLawToLinear(byte[] bytes, int bitsPerSample, int channels) { int blockAlign = channels * bitsPerSample / 8; byte[] result = new byte[bytes.Length * blockAlign]; for (int i = 0, counter = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++, counter += blockAlign) { int value = MulawToLinear(bytes[i]); byte[] values = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); switch (bitsPerSample) { case 8: switch (channels) { //8 Bit 1 Channel case 1: result[counter] = values[0]; break; //8 Bit 2 Channel case 2: result[counter] = values[0]; result[counter + 1] = values[0]; break; } break; case 16: switch (channels) { //16 Bit 1 Channel case 1: result[counter] = values[0]; result[counter + 1] = values[1]; break; //16 Bit 2 Channels case 2: result[counter] = values[0]; result[counter + 1] = values[1]; result[counter + 2] = values[0]; result[counter + 3] = values[1]; break; } break; } } return result; } internal static byte[] LinearToMulaw(byte[] bytes, int bitsPerSample, int channels) { int blockAlign = channels * bitsPerSample / 8; byte[] result = new byte[bytes.Length / blockAlign]; int resultIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { switch (bitsPerSample) { case 8: switch (channels) { //8 Bit 1 Channel case 1: result[i] = Linear2ulaw(bytes[resultIndex]); resultIndex += 1; break; //8 Bit 2 Channel case 2: result[i] = Linear2ulaw(bytes[resultIndex]); resultIndex += 2; break; } break; case 16: switch (channels) { //16 Bit 1 Channel case 1: result[i] = Linear2ulaw(BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, resultIndex)); resultIndex += 2; break; //16 Bit 2 Channels case 2: result[i] = Linear2ulaw(BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, resultIndex)); resultIndex += 4; break; } break; } } return result; } } }