Server Update
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ public class API
internal List<PublicServer> InternalServers { get; } = new();
public IReadOnlyList<PublicServer> LoadedServers => InternalServers.AsReadOnly();
internal List<PublicServer> InternalFailedServers { get; } = new();
public IReadOnlyList<PublicServer> FailedServers => InternalFailedServers.AsReadOnly();
private static HttpResponseMessage GetFromServer(string Domain, string ApiVersion, bool Secure, string Path, CancellationToken CancellationToken, params KeyValuePair<string, string?>[] Headers)
using HttpClient web = new();
@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ public class API
IEnumerable<PublicServer> isl = InternalServers.Where(a => (a.Domain == Domain && a.ApiVersion == Version));
if (isl.Any()) return isl.First();
s = await PublicServer.GetServer(Domain, Version, Secure, GenerateEncryption, LogConsole);
s = await PublicServer.GetServer(InternalFailedServers, Domain, Version, Secure, GenerateEncryption, LogConsole);
catch (Exception e)
@ -17,26 +17,9 @@ public interface IUser
/// </summary>
long Id { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The cerrent username of the user
/// </summary>
string DisplayName { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The current status of the user
/// </summary>
UserStatus Status { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The color of the display name
/// </summary>
Task<Color> GetColor();
/// <summary>
/// will returen the picture type of the user
/// </summary>
PictureType PictureType { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current avatar of the user
/// </summary>
Task<Stream> GetAvatar(CancellationToken CancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current user keys
/// </summary>
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Shared;
@ -9,6 +10,15 @@ public class LocalServerInfo
public ServerData[] AlternateServers { get; set; } = Array.Empty<ServerData>();
public PictureType PictureType { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = default!;
public string Description { get; set; } = default!;
@ -16,7 +26,4 @@ public class LocalServerInfo
GenerationMode = JsonSourceGenerationMode.Default,
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonKnownNamingPolicy.CamelCase,
WriteIndented = false)]
internal partial class LocalServerInfoContext : JsonSerializerContext
internal partial class LocalServerInfoContext : JsonSerializerContext;
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
<PackageReference Include="Luski.Shared" Version="1.1.0-alpha21" />
<PackageReference Include="Luski.Shared" Version="1.1.0-alpha44" />
<PackageReference Include="websocketsharp.core" Version="1.0.0" />
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public partial class PublicServer
while (!EncryptionHandler.Generated) { }
while (!EncryptionHandler.Generated) { Thread.Sleep(200); }
Console.WriteLine("Encryption 2: " + DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(dt).ToString("g"));
List<Tuple<string ,string, Exception>> FailedSystems = new();
login = true;
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using JacobTechEncryption;
using JacobTechEncryption.Enums;
@ -8,7 +10,9 @@ using;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.ServerToClient.HTTP;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Shared;
using WebSocketSharp;
using File = System.IO.File;
using DataType = Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums.DataType;
@ -35,12 +39,108 @@ public partial class PublicServer
Token = n.Token;
case DataType.StatusUpdate:
StatusEvent se = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(data.Data!.ToString()!, StatusEventContext.Default.StatusEvent)!;
SocketUser u;
if (se.User == User.Id) u = User;
u = GetUser<SocketUser>(se.User);
u.Status = se.After;
if (StatusUpdate is not null)
StatusUpdate.Invoke(se.Before, u);
case DataType.Role:
RoleEvent re = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(data.Data!.ToString()!, RoleEventContext.Default.RoleEvent)!;
Role[] ra = roles.Where(s => s.ID == re.ID).ToArray();
Role r;
bool @new = false;
if (ra.Length > 0)
r = ra[0];
if (re.ServerPermissions is not null) r.ServerPermissions = re.ServerPermissions.Value;
if (re.Description is not null) r.Description = re.Description;
if (re.DisplayName is not null) r.DisplayName = re.DisplayName;
if (re.ColorType is not null) r.ColorType = re.ColorType.Value;
if (re.Color is not null)
if (r.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(re.Color);
r.Colors = new []{nc};
List<Color> cols = new();
for (int i = 0; i < re.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
r.Colors = cols.ToArray();
if (re.Index is not null) r.Index = re.Index.Value;
@new = true;
Task<Role> rr = GetRole(re.ID);
r = rr.Result;
if (RoleEvent is not null) _ = RoleEvent.Invoke(@new, r);
case DataType.RoleMember:
RoleMemberEvent rme = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(data.Data!.ToString()!, RoleMemberEventContext.Default.RoleMemberEvent)!;
case DataType.RoleDelete:
case DataType.MessageCreate:
MessageSTC smsg = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(data.Data!.ToString()!, MessageSTCContext.Default.MessageSTC)!;
List<long> fl = new();
foreach (var VARIABLE in smsg.Files)
List<SocketFile> sf = new();
foreach (ServerFileInfoSTC v in smsg.Files)
if (v.NameKey == 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.Name))
v.Name = "";
else v.Name = Encryption.Generic.Encoders[(int)v.NameEncoder]
LocalKeyInfo key = EncryptionHandler.GetKey(v.NameKey);
switch (key.EncryptionType)
case EncryptionType.RSA:
v.Name = Encryption.RSA.Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(v.Name), key.Key,
v.Name = Encryption.Generic.Encoders[(int)v.NameEncoder]
ID = v.ID,
Size = v.Size,
Name = v.Name,
Encoder = v.Encoder,
NameEncoder = v.NameEncoder,
Key = v.Key,
NameKey = v.NameKey,
Server = this
if (smsg.EncryptionKey == 0)
@ -71,13 +171,15 @@ public partial class PublicServer
ID = smsg.ID,
AuthorID = smsg.AuthorID,
TimeStamp = smsg.Timestamp,
ChannelID = smsg.ChannelID,
Context = smsg.Context,
EncoderType = smsg.EncoderType,
EncryptionKey = smsg.EncryptionKey,
FileIDs = fl.ToArray(),
Server = this,
IsProfile = smsg.IsProfile
ProfileID = smsg.ProfileID,
_Files = sf
if (MessageReceived is not null) MessageReceived.Invoke(sm);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.ServerToClient.HTTP;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Shared;
using Role =;
using SocketChannelProfile =;
using SocketUser =;
@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ namespace;
public partial class PublicServer : Server
public event Func<SocketMessage, Task>? MessageReceived;
public event Func<UserStatus, SocketUser, Task>? StatusUpdate;
public event Func<bool, Role, Task>? RoleEvent;
public event Func<Role, Task>? RoleDeleted;
public event Func<Role, IUser[], IUser[], Task>? RoleMemberEvent;
public PictureType PictureType { get; private set; }
public List<SocketChannel> chans { get; } = new();
public List<SocketCategory> cats { get; } = new();
public List<Role> roles { get; } = new();
@ -37,7 +42,7 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
base(Domain, API_Version, Secure)
{ }
internal static async Task<PublicServer> GetServer(string Domain, string API_Version, bool Secure = true, bool GenerateEncryption = true, bool LogConsole = false)
internal static async Task<PublicServer> GetServer(List<PublicServer> Failed, string Domain, string API_Version, bool Secure = true, bool GenerateEncryption = true, bool LogConsole = false)
DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
Console.WriteLine("Connecting to public server '{0}' using API {1}.", Domain, API_Version);
@ -62,8 +67,11 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
catch (Exception e)
LocalServerInfo ServerListing = s.Storage.GetJson(StorageDirectory.ServerInfo, "Servers.json", true,
LocalServerInfo ServerListing = s.Storage.GetJson(StorageDirectory.ServerInfo, "server.json", true,
s.Name = ServerListing.Name;
s.Description = ServerListing.Description;
s.PictureType = ServerListing.PictureType;
if (ServerListing.AlternateServers.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to public server '{0}' using API {1}. Attempting to connect to alternate servers.", Domain, API_Version);
@ -89,10 +97,23 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
if (si is null) throw;
if (si is null)
s.Storage.SetJson(StorageDirectory.ServerInfo, "server.json", new()
AlternateServers = Array.Empty<ServerData>(),
PictureType = si.PictureType,
Name = si.Name,
Description = si.Description
s.Name = si.Name;
s.PictureType = si.PictureType;
s.Description = si.Description;
s.wssurl = si.WSSv4Address;
s.ServerType = ServerType.Public;
@ -159,6 +180,19 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
Encryption.AES.Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(request.Name), nkey.Key)),
_ => Encryption.Generic.Encoders[(short)request.TitleEncoderType].GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(request.Name))
List<Color> cols = new();
if (request.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(request.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < request.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
TCategory bob = new()
@ -175,7 +209,8 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
TitleEncoderType = request.TitleEncoderType,
TitleEncryptionKey = request.TitleEncryptionKey,
Server = this,
Color = new(request.Color)
ColorType = request.ColorType,
Colors = cols.ToArray()
return bob;
@ -196,15 +231,29 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
if (r.Length > 0) return r[0];
RoleSTC s = await GetFromServer("SocketRole?id=" + id.ToString(), RoleSTCContext.Default.RoleSTC, CancellationToken.None);
List<Color> cols = new();
if (s.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(s.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < s.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
Role role = new()
Server = this,
ID = s.ID,
Color = new(s.Color),
ColorType = s.ColorType,
Colors = cols.ToArray(),
Description = s.Description,
DisplayName = s.DisplayName,
MembersListID = s.Members,
Name = s.Name,
Index = s.Index,
ServerPermissions = s.ServerPermissions
@ -212,39 +261,35 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
return role;
public async Task<RoleOverride> GetRoleOverride(long id)
RoleOverride[] r = roleso.Where(s => s.ID == id).ToArray();
if (r.Length > 0) return r[0];
UserRoleOverrideSTC s = await GetFromServer("SocketOverrides/RoleOverride/" + id.ToString(), UserRoleOverrideSTCContext.Default.UserRoleOverrideSTC, CancellationToken.None);
RoleOverride role = new()
ID = s.Id,
BadPermissions = s.BadPermissions,
GoodPermissions = s.GoodPermissions,
ParentRoleID = s.RoleID,
Server = this
return role;
public async Task<Role[]> GetRoles()
RolesSTC s = await GetFromServer("SocketRole/GetAll", RolesSTCContext.Default.RolesSTC, CancellationToken.None);
foreach (var ServerRole in s.Roles)
List<Color> cols = new();
if (ServerRole.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(ServerRole.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < ServerRole.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
roles.Add(new Role()
Server = this,
ID = ServerRole.ID,
Color = new(ServerRole.Color),
ColorType = ServerRole.ColorType,
Colors = cols.ToArray(),
Description = ServerRole.Description,
DisplayName = ServerRole.DisplayName,
MembersListID = ServerRole.Members,
Name = ServerRole.Name,
Index = ServerRole.Index,
ServerPermissions = ServerRole.ServerPermissions
@ -254,7 +299,47 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
public async Task<SocketMessage> SendMessage<TChannel>(TChannel channel, string msg, SocketMessage? ReplyTo = null,
SocketChannelProfile? FakeProfile = null) where TChannel : SocketChannel, new()
ServerProfile? FakeProfile = null, params string[] files) where TChannel : SocketChannel, new()
List<SocketFile> lll = new();
foreach (var f in files)
lll.Add(await UploadFile(f));
return await SendMessage(channel, msg, ReplyTo, FakeProfile, lll.ToArray());
public async Task<SocketFile> UploadFile(string File)
FileInfo FI = new FileInfo(File);
ServerFileInfoSTC res = await SendServer("SocketFile", File, ServerFileInfoSTCContext.Default.ServerFileInfoSTC,
new("name_encoder", "0"),
new("encoder", "0"),
new("name_encryption", "0"),
new("encryption", "0"),
new("name", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(FI.Name))));
if (res.ErrorMessage is not null || res.Error is not null)
Console.WriteLine("Error {0}: {1}", (res.Error is null ? "Unknown" : res.Error.Value), res.ErrorMessage);
return new SocketFile()
ID = res.ID,
Encoder = EncoderType.UTF8,
Key = 0,
Name = FI.Name,
NameEncoder = EncoderType.UTF8,
NameKey = 0,
Server = this,
Size = FI.Length
public async Task<SocketMessage> SendMessage<TChannel>(TChannel channel, string msg, SocketMessage? ReplyTo = null,
ServerProfile? FakeProfile = null, params SocketFile[] files) where TChannel : SocketChannel, new()
string bc = "";
if (channel.EncryptionKeys[0] == 0)
@ -271,17 +356,26 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
_ => Encryption.AES.Encrypt(Encryption.Generic.Encoders[(int)channel.EncoderTypes[0]].GetBytes(msg), key.Key)
List<long> lll = new();
foreach (var f in files)
MessageCTS pcsm = new()
Files = Array.Empty<long>(),
Files = lll.ToArray(),
ChannelID = channel.ID,
EncryptionKey = channel.EncryptionKeys[0],
Encoding = channel.EncoderTypes[0],
Base64Context = bc
Base64Context = bc,
if (FakeProfile is not null)
pcsm.Profile = FakeProfile.Id;
pcsm.Profile = FakeProfile.ID;
@ -298,16 +392,85 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
ID = smsg.ID,
AuthorID = smsg.AuthorID,
ProfileID = smsg.ProfileID,
ChannelID = channel.ID,
TimeStamp = smsg.Timestamp,
Context = msg,
EncoderType = smsg.EncoderType,
EncryptionKey = smsg.EncryptionKey,
FileIDs = fl.ToArray(),
Server = channel.Server,
IsProfile = smsg.IsProfile
_Files = files.ToList()
return sm;
public async Task<Role> CreateRole(RolePostCTS Req)
RoleSTC res = await SendServer("SocketRole",
List<Color> cols = new();
if (res.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(res.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < res.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
Role role = new Role()
DisplayName = res.DisplayName,
ServerPermissions = res.ServerPermissions,
Description = res.Description,
Index = res.Index,
MembersListID = res.Members,
ColorType = res.ColorType,
Colors = cols.ToArray(),
Server = this,
ID = res.ID
return role;
public async Task<Role> EditRole(Role role, string? Name = null, string? Description = null, int? Index = null, ServerPermission? Permissions = null, string? Color = null, ColorType? colorType = null)
RoleSTC res = await SendServerPatch("SocketRole",
ID = role.ID,
Description = Description,
DisplayName = Name,
Index = Index,
ColorType = colorType,
Color = Color,
ServerPermissions = Permissions
if (Permissions is not null) role.ServerPermissions = res.ServerPermissions;
if (Description is not null) role.Description = res.Description;
if (Index is not null) role.Index = res.Index;
if (Name is not null) role.DisplayName = res.DisplayName;
if (Color is not null) role.Colors = new []{new Color(res.Color)};
if (colorType is not null) role.ColorType = res.ColorType;
return role;
public async Task<Role> EditRoleMembers(Role r)
return r;
public async Task<TChannel> GetChannel<TChannel>(long id, CancellationToken CancellationToken) where TChannel : SocketChannel, new()
@ -365,6 +528,19 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
Encryption.AES.Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(request.Name), nkey.Key)),
_ => Encryption.Generic.Encoders[(short)request.TitleEncoderType].GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(request.Name))
List<Color> cols = new();
if (request.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(request.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < request.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
TChannel bob = new()
@ -384,7 +560,8 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
TitleEncryptionKey = request.TitleEncryptionKey,
PictureType = request.PictureType,
Server = this,
Color = new(request.Color)
ColorType = request.ColorType,
Colors = cols.ToArray()
@ -415,7 +592,7 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
Parent = parent.ID,
DescriptionEncryptionKey = 0,
TitleEncryptionKey = 0,
RoleOverrides = Array.Empty<UserRoleOverrideCTS>(),
RoleOverrides = Array.Empty<RoleOverrideCTS>(),
UserOverrides = Array.Empty<UserOverrideCTS>(),
Type = ChannelType.TextAndVoice,
Color = "FFFFFFFF",
@ -424,6 +601,20 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
List<Color> cols = new();
if (res.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(res.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < res.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
return new SocketChannel()
ID = res.ID,
@ -442,7 +633,8 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
TitleEncryptionKey = res.TitleEncryptionKey,
PictureType = res.PictureType,
Server = this,
Color = new(res.Color)
ColorType = res.ColorType,
Colors = cols.ToArray()
@ -488,8 +680,7 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
Server = this,
Id = user.ID,
DisplayName = user.DisplayName,
PictureType = user.PictureType,
ServerProfile = user.ServerProfile,
RoleIds = user.RoleIds,
Status = user.Status
@ -500,9 +691,8 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
Server = this,
Id = user.ID,
DisplayName = user.DisplayName,
ServerProfile = user.ServerProfile,
SelectedChannel = user.SelectedChannel,
PictureType = user.PictureType,
RoleIds = user.RoleIds,
Status = user.Status,
} as Tuser)!;
@ -511,32 +701,31 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
return u;
public async Task<SocketChannelProfile> GetChannelProfile(long ProfileId, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
public Tuser GetUser<Tuser>(long UserId) where Tuser : SocketUser, new()
ChannelProfileSTC user;
if (profiles.Count > 0 && profiles.Any(s => s.Id == ProfileId))
SocketUserSTC user;
if (poeople.Count > 0 && poeople.Any(s => s.Id == UserId))
SocketChannelProfile temp = profiles.Where(s => s.Id == ProfileId).FirstOrDefault()!;
Tuser temp = poeople.Where(s => s is Tuser && s.Id == UserId).Cast<Tuser>().FirstOrDefault()!;
return temp;
while (true)
if (CanRequest)
user = await GetFromServer("socketchannelprofile",
new KeyValuePair<string, string?>("id", ProfileId.ToString()));
user = GetFromServerRaw("socketuser",
new KeyValuePair<string, string?>("id", UserId.ToString()));
if (user is null) throw new Exception("Server did not return a user");
if (profiles.Count > 0 && profiles.Any(s => s.Id == ProfileId))
if (poeople.Count > 0 && poeople.Any(s => s.Id == UserId))
foreach (SocketChannelProfile? p in profiles.Where(s => s.Id == ProfileId))
foreach (IUser? p in poeople.Where(s => s.Id == UserId))
if (user is null || user.Error is not null)
@ -546,19 +735,167 @@ public partial class PublicServer : Server
throw new Exception($"Something went wrong getting your user information\n{error}");
SocketChannelProfile u = new()
Tuser u = new();
if (typeof(Tuser).FullName == typeof(SocketUser).FullName)
u = new()
Server = this,
Id = user.ID,
ServerProfile = user.ServerProfile,
RoleIds = user.RoleIds,
Status = user.Status
u = (new SocketAppUser()
Server = this,
Id = user.ID,
ServerProfile = user.ServerProfile,
SelectedChannel = user.SelectedChannel,
RoleIds = user.RoleIds,
Status = user.Status,
} as Tuser)!;
return u;
public async Task<ServerProfile> GetProfile(long ProfileId, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
ProfileSTC user;
if (profiles.Count > 0 && profiles.Any(s => s.ID == ProfileId))
ServerProfile temp = profiles.Where(s => s.ID == ProfileId).FirstOrDefault()!;
return temp;
while (true)
if (CanRequest)
user = await GetFromServer("socketprofile",
new KeyValuePair<string, string?>("id", ProfileId.ToString()));
if (user is null) throw new Exception("Server did not return a user");
if (profiles.Count > 0 && profiles.Any(s => s.ID == ProfileId))
_ = profiles.RemoveAll(s => s.ID == ProfileId);
if (user is null || user.Error is not null)
string error = "User was null";
if (user is not null && user.Error is not null) error = $"{user.Error}: {user.ErrorMessage}";
throw new Exception($"Something went wrong getting your user information\n{error}");
Color[]? colss = null;
if (user.Color is not null)
List<Color> cols = new();
if (user.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(user.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < user.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
colss = cols.ToArray();
ServerProfile u = new()
Server = this,
Id = user.ID,
ID = user.ID,
DisplayName = user.DisplayName,
PictureType = user.PictureType,
Controllers = user.Controllers,
Color = new(user.Color)
RoleControllers = user.RoleControllers,
ColorType = user.ColorType,
Color = colss
return u;
public async Task<ServerProfile[]> GetMyProfiles(CancellationToken CancellationToken)
ProfileListSTC Prof;
while (true)
if (CanRequest)
Prof = await GetFromServer("socketprofile/myprofiles",
if (Prof is null) throw new Exception("Server did not return a Profile List");
List<ServerProfile> profiles_ = new();
foreach (ProfileSTC user in Prof.Profiles)
if (profiles.Count > 0 && profiles.Any(s => s.ID == user.ID))
_ = profiles.RemoveAll(s => s.ID == user.ID);
if (user is null || user.Error is not null)
string error = "Profile was null";
if (user is not null && user.Error is not null) error = $"{user.Error}: {user.ErrorMessage}";
throw new Exception($"Something went wrong getting your profile information\n{error}");
Color[]? colss = null;
if (user.Color is not null)
List<Color> cols = new();
if (user.ColorType == ColorType.Full)
Color nc = new(user.Color);
for (int i = 0; i < user.Color.Length - 7; i+=8)
colss = cols.ToArray();
ServerProfile u = new()
Server = this,
ID = user.ID,
DisplayName = user.DisplayName,
PictureType = user.PictureType,
Controllers = user.Controllers,
RoleControllers = user.RoleControllers,
ColorType = user.ColorType,
Color = colss
return profiles_.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Sends the server a request to update the <paramref name="Status"/> of you account
/// </summary>
@ -23,5 +23,5 @@ public partial class Server
public bool IsLogedIn => Token is not null;
internal bool CanRequest = false, login = false;
internal List<IUser> poeople = new();
internal List<SocketChannelProfile> profiles = new();
internal List<ServerProfile> profiles = new();
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ public class ServerStorage
private static readonly int[] CantDelete = new[]
@ -88,6 +89,12 @@ public class ServerStorage
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize(s, JsonInfo)!;
public void SetJson<TResult>(StorageDirectory Directory, string Resource, TResult obj, JsonTypeInfo<TResult> JsonInfo) where TResult : new()
string FilePath = GetResourceDirectory(Directory, Resource);
File.WriteAllText(FilePath, JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj, JsonInfo));
public byte[] UpdateStorage(byte[] OldPassword)
@ -101,6 +101,23 @@ public partial class Server
if (temp is null) return new Tresult() { StatusCode = ServerResponce.StatusCode, Error = ErrorCode.ServerError, ErrorMessage = $"Server responded with empty data" };
return temp;
public Tresult GetFromServerRaw<Tresult>(string Path, JsonTypeInfo<Tresult> Type, params KeyValuePair<string, string?>[] Headers) where Tresult : STC, new()
HttpResponseMessage ServerResponce = GetFromServer(Path, CancellationToken.None, Headers);
Tresult temp = new();
string raw ="";
temp = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(ServerResponce.Content.ReadAsStream(), Type)!;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("JSON parse failed for the following data as type {0}\n{1}", temp.GetType(), raw);
if (temp is null) return new Tresult() { StatusCode = ServerResponce.StatusCode, Error = ErrorCode.ServerError, ErrorMessage = $"Server responded with empty data" };
return temp;
public async Task<Tresult> SendServer<Tvalue, Tresult>(string Path, Tvalue Payload, JsonTypeInfo<Tvalue> jsonTypeInfo, JsonTypeInfo<Tresult> ReturnjsonTypeInfo, CancellationToken CancellationToken, params KeyValuePair<string, string?>[] Headers) where Tvalue : CTS where Tresult : STC, new()
@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ public class MainSocketTextChannel : MainSocketChannel
public async Task<Stream> GetPicture(CancellationToken CancellationToken)
if (Type == ChannelType.DM) return Members.First().GetAvatar(CancellationToken).Result;
throw new NotImplementedException();
//if (Type == ChannelType.DM) return Members.First().GetAvatar(CancellationToken).Result;
// else
bool isc = System.IO.File.Exists(Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.ChannelIcons) + Id.ToString());
if (!isc) await Server.GetFromServer($"SocketChannel/GetPicture/{Id}", Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.ChannelIcons) + Id.ToString(), CancellationToken);
@ -2,39 +2,59 @@ using System;
public class Color
public struct Color
public Color(string servercol)
Bytes = Convert.FromHexString(servercol);
byte[] t = Convert.FromHexString(servercol);
r = t[0];
g = t[1];
b = t[2];
a = t[3];
public static bool operator ==(Color a, Color b)
return a.r == b.r && a.g == b.g && a.b == b.b && a.a == b.a;
public static bool operator !=(Color a, Color b)
return a.r != b.r || a.g != b.g || a.b != b.b || a.a != b.a;
public Color(byte R, byte G, byte B, byte A)
Bytes = new byte[] {R, G, B, A};
r = R;
g = G;
b = B;
a = A;
public string ToDatabaseStr()
return Convert.ToHexString(Bytes);
return Convert.ToHexString(new []{r,g,b,a});
private byte[] Bytes;
private byte r;
private byte g;
private byte b;
private byte a;
public byte A
get => Bytes[3];
get => a;
public byte R
get => Bytes[0];
get => r;
public byte G
get => Bytes[1];
get => g;
public byte B
get => Bytes[2];
get => b;
@ -9,18 +9,28 @@ public class Role
public required PublicServer Server { get; init; } = default!;
public required long ID { get; init; } = default!;
public required string Name { get; init; } = default!;
public required int Index { get; init; } = default!;
public required Color Color { get; init; } = default!;
public required string Description { get; init; } = default!;
public required string DisplayName { get; init; } = default!;
public required ServerPermission ServerPermissions { get; init; } = default!;
public required long[] MembersListID { get; init; } = default!;
public int Index { get; internal set; } = default!;
public ColorType ColorType { get; internal set; } = ColorType.Full;
public Color[] Colors { get; internal set; } = default!;
public string Description { get; internal set; } = default!;
public string DisplayName { get; internal set; } = default!;
public ServerPermission ServerPermissions { get; internal set; } = default!;
public long[] MLID = default!;
public long[] MembersListID
get => MLID;
internal set
MLID = value;
RawUsers = null;
private List<SocketUser>? RawUsers = null;
public async Task<SocketUser[]> GetMembers()
if (RawUsers is null)
if (RawUsers is null || RawUsers.Count != MembersListID.Length)
RawUsers = new();
foreach (long m in MembersListID)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ namespace;
public class RoleOverride
public long ID { get; init; }
public long ParentRoleID { get; init; }
public ServerPermission GoodPermissions { get; set; }
@ -3,32 +3,36 @@ using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums;
public class SocketChannelProfile : IUser
public class ServerProfile
public PublicServer Server { get; init; } = default!;
public long Id { get; init; } = default!;
public long ID { get; init; } = default!;
public string DisplayName { get; init; } = default!;
public virtual UserStatus Status { get; init; } = UserStatus.Online;
public PictureType PictureType { get; init; } = default!;
public PictureType? PictureType { get; init; } = default!;
public long[] Controllers { get; internal set; } = default!;
public long[] RoleControllers { get; internal set; } = default!;
internal ColorType? ColorType { get; set; } = default!;
internal Color[]? Color { get; set; } = default!;
internal Color Color { get; set; } = default!;
public Task<Color> GetColor()
public Task<Color[]?> GetColors()
return Task.FromResult(Color);
public Task<ColorType?> GetColorType()
return Task.FromResult(ColorType);
public async Task<Stream> GetAvatar(CancellationToken CancellationToken)
bool isc = System.IO.File.Exists(Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.ProfileAvatars) + Id.ToString());
if (!isc) await Server.GetFromServer($"socketchannelprofile/Avatar/{Id}", Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.ProfileAvatars) + Id.ToString(), CancellationToken);
return Server.Storage.GetResourceStream(StorageDirectory.ProfileAvatars, Id.ToString());
bool isc = System.IO.File.Exists(Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.ProfileAvatars) + ID.ToString());
if (!isc) await Server.GetFromServer($"socketprofile/Avatar/{ID}", Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.ProfileAvatars) + ID.ToString(), CancellationToken);
return Server.Storage.GetResourceStream(StorageDirectory.ProfileAvatars, ID.ToString());
public Task<PublicKeyInfo[]> GetUserKeys(CancellationToken CancellationToken)
@ -10,12 +10,23 @@ namespace;
public class SocketAppUser : SocketUser
public long SelectedChannel { get; init; } = default!;
private List<ServerProfile>? _serverProfiles;
public async Task<SocketChannel> GetSelectedChannel(CancellationToken Token)
return await Server.GetChannel<SocketChannel>(SelectedChannel, Token);
public async Task<ServerProfile[]> GetProfiles(CancellationToken Token)
if (_serverProfiles is null)
_serverProfiles = (await Server.GetMyProfiles(Token)).ToList();
return _serverProfiles.ToArray();
public async Task<bool> HasAccessToCategory(SocketCategory Category, ServerPermission RequiredPerms = ServerPermission.ViewThis)
if (Category.Server != Server) return false;
@ -30,8 +41,10 @@ public class SocketAppUser : SocketUser
if (CatUserOveride.UserID != Id) continue;
if ((CatUserOveride.BadPermissions & RequiredPerms) > ServerPermission.None) return false;
if ((CatUserOveride.GoodPermissions & RequiredPerms) == RequiredPerms) return true;
GoodPerms |= CatUserOveride.GoodPermissions;
RoleOverride[] CatRoleOverides = await Category.GetRoleOverrides();
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using JacobTechEncryption.Enums;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.ServerToClient.HTTP;
@ -10,10 +12,11 @@ public class SocketCategory
public PublicServer Server { get; init; } = default!;
public long ID { get; init; }
public Color Color { get; init; }
public ColorType ColorType { get; init; } = ColorType.Full;
public Color[] Colors { get; init; }
internal long ParentID { get; set; }
internal long[] RoleOverides { get; set; }
internal long[] UserOverides { get; set; }
internal RoleOverrideSTC[] RoleOverides { get; set; }
internal UserOverrideSTC[] UserOverides { get; set; }
internal long[] Channels { get; set; }
internal long[] Categories { get; set; }
SocketCategory? RawParent = null;
@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ namespace;
public class SocketChannel
public PublicServer Server { get; init; } = default!;
public Color Color { get; init; }
public ColorType ColorType { get; init; } = ColorType.Full;
public Color[] Colors { get; init; }
public long ID { get; internal set; }
internal long CategoryID { get; set; }
internal long[] RoleOverrides { get; set; }
internal long[] UserOverrides { get; set; }
internal RoleOverrideSTC[] RoleOverrides { get; set; }
internal UserOverrideSTC[] UserOverrides { get; set; }
SocketCategory? RawParent = null;
List<RoleOverride>? RawRoleOverides = null;
List<UserOverride>? RawUserOverides = null;
@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ public class SocketChannel
Server = Server,
ID = i.ID,
TimeStamp = i.Timestamp,
ChannelID = ID,
AuthorID = i.AuthorID,
Context = i.Context,
@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ public class SocketChannel
EncoderType = i.EncoderType,
FileIDs = ff.ToArray(),
_Files = sf,
IsProfile = i.IsProfile
ProfileID = i.ProfileID
return await Task.FromResult(mmmm.AsReadOnly());
@ -281,11 +283,12 @@ public class SocketChannel
ChannelID = ID,
AuthorID = i.AuthorID,
Context = i.Context,
TimeStamp = i.Timestamp,
EncryptionKey = i.EncryptionKey,
EncoderType = i.EncoderType,
FileIDs = ff.ToArray(),
_Files = sf,
IsProfile = i.IsProfile
ProfileID = i.ProfileID
return await Task.FromResult(mmmm.AsReadOnly());
@ -311,11 +314,19 @@ public class SocketChannel
public async Task<SocketMessage> SendMessage(string msg, SocketMessage? ReplyTo = null,
SocketChannelProfile? FakeProfile = null)
ServerProfile? Profile = null, params string[] files)
return await Server.SendMessage(this, msg, ReplyTo, FakeProfile);
return await Server.SendMessage(this, msg, ReplyTo, Profile, files);
public async Task<SocketMessage> SendMessage(string msg, SocketMessage? ReplyTo = null,
ServerProfile? Profile = null, params SocketFile[] files)
return await Server.SendMessage(this, msg, ReplyTo, Profile, files);
public async Task<Stream> GetPicture(CancellationToken CancellationToken)
bool isc = System.IO.File.Exists(Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.ChannelIcons) + ID.ToString());
@ -337,18 +348,24 @@ public class SocketChannel
public DateTime Epoch { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public string Description { get; internal set; }
public async Task<RoleOverride[]> GetRoleOverrides()
public Task<RoleOverride[]> GetRoleOverrides()
if (RawRoleOverides is null)
RawRoleOverides = new();
foreach (long ro in RoleOverrides)
foreach (var ro in RoleOverrides)
RawRoleOverides.Add(await Server.GetRoleOverride(ro));
Server = this.Server,
ParentRoleID = ro.RoleID,
GoodPermissions = ro.GoodPermissions,
BadPermissions = ro.BadPermissions
return RawRoleOverides!.ToArray();
return Task.FromResult(RawRoleOverides!.ToArray());
public Task<UserOverride[]> GetUserOverride()
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using JacobTechEncryption.Enums;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums;
@ -10,17 +10,19 @@ public class SocketMessage
public required PublicServer Server { get; init; } = default!;
public required long ID { get; init; }
public required long TimeStamp { get; init; }
public required long ChannelID { get; init; }
public required long AuthorID { get; init; }
public required long ProfileID { get; init; }
public string Context { get; internal set; }
public required long EncryptionKey { get; init; }
public long[] FileIDs { get; internal set; }
public required bool IsProfile { get; init; }
public EncoderType EncoderType { get; internal set; }
private SocketChannel? RawParent;
private IUser? au;
internal List<SocketFile> _Files = new();
private ServerProfile? ap;
internal List<SocketFile> _Files { get; set; } = new();
public IReadOnlyList<SocketFile> Files
get => _Files.AsReadOnly();
@ -40,18 +42,21 @@ public class SocketMessage
if (au is null)
if (IsProfile)
au = await Server.GetChannelProfile(AuthorID, token);
if (AuthorID == Server.User.Id) au = Server.User;
else au = await Server.GetUser<SocketUser>(AuthorID, token);
if (AuthorID == Server.User.Id) au = Server.User;
else au = await Server.GetUser<SocketUser>(AuthorID, token);
return au;
public async Task<ServerProfile> GetProfile(CancellationToken token)
if (ap is null)
ap = await Server.GetProfile(ProfileID, token);
return ap;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Enums;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.ServerToClient.HTTP;
using Luski.Shared.PublicServers.V1.Shared;
@ -16,15 +17,19 @@ public class SocketUser : IUser
public PublicServer Server { get; init; } = default!;
public long Id { get; init; } = default!;
public string DisplayName { get; init; } = default!;
public virtual UserStatus Status { get; internal set; } = default!;
public PictureType PictureType { get; init; } = default!;
public long ServerProfile { get; init; }
public long[] RoleIds { get; init; } = default!;
private List<Role>? RawRoles = null;
public async Task<Color> GetColor()
public async Task<ColorType> GetColorType()
return (await GetRoles())[0].Color;
return (await GetRoles())[0].ColorType;
public async Task<Color[]> GetColors()
return (await GetRoles())[0].Colors;
public async Task<Role[]> GetRoles()
@ -49,6 +54,19 @@ public class SocketUser : IUser
if (!isc) await Server.GetFromServer($"socketuserprofile/Avatar/{Id}", Server.Storage.GetStorageDirectory(StorageDirectory.Avatars) + Id.ToString(), CancellationToken);
return Server.Storage.GetResourceStream(StorageDirectory.Avatars, Id.ToString());
public async Task<bool> HasPermissions(ServerPermission RequiredPerms)
if (Server.OwnerID == Id) return true;
Role[] UserRoleIDList = await GetRoles();
ServerPermission op = ServerPermission.None;
foreach (Role RoleID in UserRoleIDList)
op |= RoleID.ServerPermissions;
return op.HasPermission(RequiredPerms);
public Task<PublicKeyInfo[]> GetUserKeys(CancellationToken CancellationToken)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user